
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis.



I'm an unconventional/ atypical liberal, who can accept tradition with conviction.


Design thinking Philosophy Photo captions
So subtle is design, it can only be experienced, not explained. It is the art and science of gathering, grouping,...
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Subtle & flash

Subtle & flash

Design thinking Photo captions Uncategorized
One said subtle, the other said flashy. And they settled with flashes of subtlety.
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Lockdown reflection

Lockdown reflection

Philosophy Photo captions Uncategorized
If outdoors is an outlet for expression, indoors an inlet for reflection! Intense lockdown – an opportunity to reflect &...
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Looking up, looking down

Looking up, looking down

Photo captions Uncategorized
If looking up instils hope, looking down presents possibilities! Images inspired by composing patches of spilled patterns on concrete floor.
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The search and search…

The search and search…

Philosophy Photo captions
Humans go searching and searching for meaning until the realization that there is no such thing as real meaning except...
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In all the rush to prove smart’er’ - there can be a key miss. Poise that comes without the... ‘er’!!
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Perception of Power

Perception of Power

Philosophy Photo captions
The world is full of people and possibilities. Power is a perception involving the limited known! .
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A space that I refer to!

A space that I refer to!

Philosophy Photo captions
Spiritualists advise focus on a spot: eyes closed, awareness of flow, imagination, yoga & more; Each person has a distinct...
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We see not…we see…

We see not…we see…

Design thinking Photo captions
We see not the green, we see not the grey, we see not the subtle pink. We see the design,...
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Why do we see what we see?

Why do we see what we see?

Philosophy Uncategorized
Location: Ahmedabad Shot: Sep 2019 When we connect with our core, we connect with the world. We strengthen our sensitivity...
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A change, a challenge

A change, a challenge

Photo captions Uncategorized
A change it was that channeled me to long distance running; A challenge it was that led me to photography;...
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Change & Constant

Change & Constant

Philosophy Photo captions Uncategorized
Everything else can be taken over, never the originality, the core. Logic has it this way & it’s as simple....
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We waves of the ‘I’ mind

We waves of the ‘I’ mind

Imagine ‘we’ are wave manifestation of an I’s mind. All around are figments of mind lending to connections. Hence you,...
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Originality or commodity?

Originality or commodity?

Philosophy Photo captions
“If at all I’m stuck, stubbornly stuck – it is to the ground, I refuse to let myself be plucked.​...
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The world of Quantum

The world of Quantum

The world of Quantum It’s macro & micro! Could what we think of universe outside be inside? Could what we...
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The master of all feelings…

The master of all feelings…

Radiating light in variants through seasons and years, not without sneaking into daily good nights; Oh! the shadows cast by...
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Creativity – a trait or nature’s expression?

Creativity – a trait or nature’s expression?

Is creativity a person's trait? Or nature's expression through someone? When self-discovery needs transcend self-esteem needs; When competition, peer pressure,...
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A dot, rather insight…

A dot, rather insight…

Metaphoric Journey
If all surfacing thoughts can be processed and condensed into a satisfactory, crisp and breezy note complemented with a visual...
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Why do we see what we see?

Why do we see what we see?

Metaphoric Journey
Why do we see what we see? Why do they hold one’s attention? What is the underlying abstract message? Will...
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At a point…

At a point…

Photo captions
At a point - when the right angle meets the perfect focal point; At the point - a kind of...
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Law of supply and demand

Law of supply and demand

Photo captions
In a highly competitive world, where people aspire instant success, fame and stardom, survival may seem complex. But going by...
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The game of hunting

The game of hunting

Photo captions
To the unemployed, it's employment. To the employed it's rise to power. To the power players, it's the coveted top...
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The Nature of Energy

The Nature of Energy

Photo captions
One can shut all the doors, light will still find a way to come through, more beautifully and artistically than...
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A stretch of observation

A stretch of observation

Photo captions
The stretch not of action but observation from the world that believes in trailblazing action. To act with acquired experience,...
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An interesting sight

An interesting sight

Photo captions
Away from the crowd that had gathered behind pillar to watch the deity, was this sight of a lone man....
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Fog for seasoning

Fog for seasoning

Photo captions
Like a dash of seasoning, the fog can be used for an interesting artistic touch on photographs! As always, the...
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A play of light

A play of light

Photo captions
Ah! The interesting play of it; Too much or too little of it; Therein lies the challenge of it! Day...
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Never and Always!

Never and Always!

Photo captions
I wonder if the two words never and always will ever get us anywhere! Glad that I cut the ‘never’...
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I love….

I love….

Photo captions
I love arts, I love technology, I love imagination, I love challenges, I love dreaming I love expressing what I...
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A projection of charm

A projection of charm

Photo captions
Neither the latest and the greatest, nor the cynosure of all eyes. Yet makes one share with pride. For I...
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Walking both paths

Walking both paths

Photo captions
I visited Prague Castle twice, so I could walk along different paths leading to central town. Both views offered interesting...
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Artistic elegance

Artistic elegance

Photo captions
Hanging artfully, these sectional strings of red flowers juxtaposed against the coarse cream wall adjoining a wood fence made for...
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Design thinking a picture

Design thinking a picture

Design thinking
Colours and their contrast, shades and their tones, composition and its structure - a picture.
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A different sunrise

A different sunrise

Photo captions
The sun rises everyday…alright, so why not see it differently?
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That's the thing right, the brain is so conditioned to associate achievements and accomplishments with knowledge and success - it...
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Retaining Uniqueness

Retaining Uniqueness

Photo captions
Blending in but retaining its uniqueness - that’s what I think makes the yellow subject in the picture a defining...
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Core Essentials

Core Essentials

Design thinking Photo captions
Neat, simple, aligned and well-balanced - the core essentials to make anyone or anything attractive. In love with the composed...
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Shooting in the dark…

Shooting in the dark…

Photo captions
...may not be a bad idea after all! 
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The blah free zone

The blah free zone

Photo captions
Within a shell, and also behind the lens, there’s a space where we can retreat and be completely ourselves! Hi-fi...
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What grabs attention? Colours? Textures? Composition?

What grabs attention? Colours? Textures? Composition?

Photo captions
Grabs attention each time I browse through the gallery - making me pause, muse and even ponder. The colors perhaps,...
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Joy of life is the drive to survive

Joy of life is the drive to survive

Photo captions
The joy of life is often the drive to survive. Right, it’s simple -where then did the complication start? Arrest...
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Cleanliness of mind and matter

Cleanliness of mind and matter

Photo captions
An air of confidence & sophistication engulfed with a sense of peace & calm, an un-ignorable charisma ensues. That only...
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Chasing the elusive?

Chasing the elusive?

Photo captions
Everything else can be taken over, never the originality, the core. Logic has it this way & it’s as simple....
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Getting it right…

Getting it right…

Photo captions
It’s simple right! Just need to get composition right... from its latin origin ‘put together’ !
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The power of balance

The power of balance

Photo captions
Power of silence and retreat as important as the power of energy and action. And the greatest skill of all...
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Creative Minds

Creative Minds

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A truly creative mind is deeply bonded with abstract. It doesn’t understand insecurity neither can it comprehend pride. The minute...
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The beauty of simple lives

The beauty of simple lives

Photo captions
Shades of grey with a stripe of white; Adding on its presence bold browns; A bird in the background to...
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A fiery wave, gentle light and the faint voice

A fiery wave, gentle light and the faint voice

A fiery wave touched the shore; Oh, so rough I thought; Until a ray of gentle light fell all over;...
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Familiarity of feeling & Action

Familiarity of feeling & Action

Familiarizing with how we deeply feel to be able to understand its true nature - that it’s a feeling. We...
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A self-created play space

A self-created play space

Blissfully running around in a self-created play space; Like an unnoticed child in a busy adult gathering; The cool folks...
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Karma isn’t like tit-for-tat… the way it is made out to be. It’s an iterative learning process that the soul...
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Sense or nonsense?!

Sense or nonsense?!

We see people who are fit, blessed with looks and then people who have it all in their brains. We...
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Patience or Observation?

Patience or Observation?

Patience holds expectation of some sort; it is futuristic in its state. While observation is a kind of acceptance, it’s...
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Beauty & Brilliance

Beauty & Brilliance

Beautiful the divine mother ‪Brilliant her design ‪Beautiful & Brilliant her immortal kids ‪In a greed to make them wise,...
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The world of Quantum

The world of Quantum

It’s macro & micro! Could what we think of universe outside be inside? Could what we see from outer space...
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The one and only

The one and only

It’s the one; the blue It’s the one; the yellow It’s also the one the white and the black It’s...
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The philosophy of universal one

The philosophy of universal one

With an endless quest to enrich, an urge for expression and a deep desire to evolve, set out many in...
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Himalayan Drokpa Community

Himalayan Drokpa Community

Travel stories
Learning about the Himalayan Drokpa community was enough reason for me to explore the adventurous Beema village along the Indus...
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A Learning

A Learning

Travel stories
This portrait to me serves as a periodic reminder to the sensitivities involved in casual photography. . Looking away, he...
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A pipe dream

A pipe dream

Photo captions Travel stories
The dream of every child and the child in every adult is perhaps just to dream!
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Nature in People and People in Nature

Nature in People and People in Nature

Travel stories
People in the nature and the nature in people are all so beautiful; just need to catch them in their...
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A good connect sans a tag

A good connect sans a tag

Travel stories
From afar, what caught my attention was the colours; shades of yellow, orange and pink on her against a green...
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A confident pose

A confident pose

Travel stories
The fun while taking a picture of this lady trying to hide her smile filled with shyness under a cover...
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Travel stories
Grace' - From knowing how much to smile vs where to stop, knowing what to edit in an image vs...
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An interesting association

An interesting association

Szentendre, a picturesque town in Hungary, known for its Baroque architecture, narrow lanes and a rustic atmosphere. The challenge of...
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An interesting take

An interesting take

It’s interesting to meet new people, and even more if it’s a chance encounter bringing along a different outlook to...
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The Gleeful Child beyond all the divides of the world

The Gleeful Child beyond all the divides of the world

Travel stories
Out beyond all divides in the world., there are few universal behavior - a gleeful child running around with a...
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What Matters?

What Matters?

Travel stories
What Matters? What matters? Where we perform or how satisfactorily we perform; What we have or how best we present...
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Earthy Beauty

Earthy Beauty

Travel stories
The more I look at portraits, the more reinforced my thoughts become on the power of earthy beauty. A beauty...
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A rightly timed pause and a well-defined blank space

A rightly timed pause and a well-defined blank space

Photo captions
As I snatch a brief break on a crazy day, I see how important the presence of the blank space...
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“Somewhere there is a star with your name on it. I may not be able to help find it, but...
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A Subtle Vision

A Subtle Vision

Photo captions
When the eye sees not just beautiful things but notices the beauty in things, there appears a subtle vision -...
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The connecting shades of hues and thoughts

The connecting shades of hues and thoughts

Photo captions
Connecting the contrasting shades of light and dark are the multitude hues in-between; Building into a distinct composition are the...
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A game of hunting

A game of hunting

Photo captions
To the unemployed, it's employment. To the employed it's rise to power. To the power players, it's the coveted top...
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A play of words!

A play of words!

Photo captions
Some moments, one can just recall and relive like the touch of a magic wand ! With the dusk air...
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Holding to ground

Holding to ground

Photo captions
The dignity and beauty of holding on to gravity when pulled from different directions - a kind of charm indeed...
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Vidya Krishna

Vidya Krishna

Runners Profile
As if running half-marathons was not challenging enough, she has recently ventured into triathlons. She has pursued her every single...
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Srividya & GowriShankar

Srividya & GowriShankar

Runners Profile
It’s always an uplifting experience to be around someone who is easy-going and absolute fun to be with. Now, imagine...
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Runners Profile
Peter comes home… Not Peter Pan though ☺ It’s our own Shiva “Peters” who’s just back after completing a grueling...
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Runners Profile
What better gift can we give our children than be around for them in good shape and health! People take...
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Runners Profile
Weaving into the group with a smiling demeanor, he may appear simple and quiet, but runs deep with a sense...
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Runners Profile
Every runner has a story to share. A story of grit, determination, hard work and commitment. After all running is...
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In a state of natural flow…

In a state of natural flow…

Neither has a real-life relevance, nor materialistically rewarding, or is it a path breaking solution to any crisis. They...can be...
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Nature is my God Heart is my religion Various interests that I pursue soulfully are my rituals Travel destinations are...
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Connecting with Nature

Connecting with Nature

When we start connecting with the real world that has a moon and sky, and a small boy by the...
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Design thinking
Understanding design thinking can be compared to a yogi saying breathe in and out deeply while the common man goes…that’s...
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The motivating mundaneness

The motivating mundaneness

Photo captions
This picture to me is reflective of some phases in life when the going is all normal, but nothing more....
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The supporting pillars

The supporting pillars

Photo captions
In figuring a way to unlock and channelize pent-up energy, there appears light. Thoughts finally find its way to release...
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A Simple Design

A Simple Design

Design thinking
What explains my attraction to understated design! I wondered walking along the deserted by lanes, deeply admiring aesthetics all around!...
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The Practice

The Practice

Design thinking
In the practice of design thinking, there is no superiority - there is only deep understanding. There is no good...
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In a line…

In a line…

Design thinking
Discovering the expression of the user(s) & translating into a sought-after experience is ‘design thinking’ in a line. Fleshing the...
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Design thinking
Empathy is understanding a person from their shoes. Such an understanding requires experiential thinking to be able to grasp abstract...
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A pitch-perfect release

A pitch-perfect release

Travel stories
She seemed amused for some reason while the warmup drill for a bunch of newbies was in progress along the...
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The Entertainer

The Entertainer

Travel stories
How’s a travel album complete after all without the people who add so much cheer along the way! Here’s one...
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Red bow and a little café!

Red bow and a little café!

Travel stories
She loves her little cafe as much as she loves her red hair bow as much as she loves baking...
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A hearty act

A hearty act

Travel stories
‘When you leave a place, you should leave with a happy memory’ - he said that so nonchalantly that I...
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Joie De Vivre

Joie De Vivre

Travel stories
Using this pass to the fullest would mean a lot to me, she said handing over the Budapest metro day...
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Train Friendship

Train Friendship

Travel stories
An interesting friendship developed on an overnight train journey did stir up some nostalgic moments from my childhood days. Nostalgic...
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The real purpose of energy

The real purpose of energy

Radiating light in variants through seasons and years, not without sneaking into daily good nights; ​ Oh! the shadows cast...
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Is vedic dharma the modern follow your heart?

Is vedic dharma the modern follow your heart?

The vedic philosophy of dharma = modern follow your heart? The trickiest part is a deep understanding of what it...
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Creativity – trait or nature’s expression?

Creativity – trait or nature’s expression?

Is creativity a person's trait? Or nature's expression through someone? ​ When self-discovery needs transcend self-esteem needs;​ When competition, peer...
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When non-judgmental observation takes over, feelings gradually disappear leaving behind just only clarity to be seen.
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A fiery wave, gentle light and the faint voice…

A fiery wave, gentle light and the faint voice…

A fiery wave touched the shore;​ Oh, so rough I thought;​ Until a ray of gentle light fell all over;​...
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The deeper we get into self, the farther we move from the world. ​The farther we move, more holistic our vision gets.​With that perspective, when we move back into world of details, the outlook is indeed awakening. 
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When the mind can be trained to achieve such stillness, one develops the muscle to be both a badass and...
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A body language

A body language

Photo captions
A body language sans pretense of any sort. That's what one's mind longs to see, and will go to any...
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Runners Profile
This week’s featured Runner: “Jaguar” Jayanthi At the break of dawn, it's all but a familiar sight to see regular...
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Runners Profile
Featured runner of the week: Arun Asthma may have brought several people to their knees – certainly not him! Yes,...
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Runners Profile
A billboard along the regular Adyar run route that displays a tagline “Fast Track…Move on” looks as if it’s tailor-made...
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Runners Profile
She sounded excited about her weekend run in Bangalore last Saturday covering a distance of 16 km, in a super...
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Venkat Ramachandran

Venkat Ramachandran

Runners Profile
As a pregnant sky turns orange to give birth to the new sun, he stretches and pulls out his orange...
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Ashish Singh

Ashish Singh

Runners Profile
Featured Runner of the week: Ashish Singh It was a state of ambivalence that Bessie Flyers felt when one of...
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Vidya Krishna

Vidya Krishna

Runners Profile
As if running half-marathons was not challenging enough, she has recently ventured into triathlons. She has pursued her every single...
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