
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis.



I’m a practitioner of everything the heart aspires - to reach my potential.
Why do we see what we see? Why do they hold one’s attention? What is the underlying abstract message? Will questions find an answer or remain…?!

What if the mind is wired to process information like technical concepts, data or business jargon as dots, patterns and images? What if the information is crystal clear in mind, but the verbal communication gets brushed aside as abstract by a fast-paced world? What if each time you must rely on actions to express the communication? What if the visual processing stands as the glass wall between you and the world? Is there a way to turn around from being silent and repressive to being explorative, expressive and finding your own custom path? How does one do that?

I was on a traditional career path like anyone, a day job that ensured a comfortable lifestyle. My world was around work, family and a few friends. Through a journey that followed I decode this was the prompt to…

What if one really desires to paint, but realizes the inability to do so…
The urge from within grows so strong that the eye notices…
That smudges of everything we see around is indeed the painting…
And creating a unique expression of it is all about art!
Shot: May 2019
Captioned: Sep 6, 2019


An unexpected career break after 12-years of linearity led me down a series of unexplored paths resulting in the discovery of myriad skills and diverse ventures. The quick wins from the newly acquired skills were sure validation to my confidence and self-assurance.

However, picking one to be able to focus on a linear path from there meant confusion. The challenge I faced along the path was in understanding the divergence. In trying to find that path, I learned…

A lesson learned by Jonathan Livingston seagull
“You didn’t need faith to fly;
You just need to understand flying”
It so resonates today.
Shot: May 2017
Captioned: May 30, 2017


Going back to the professional world post sabbatical taught me the importance of unlearning before relearning. My conditioned side had to go through a process of discomfort to shed its skin. The choppy phase taught me reorientation leading to twists in the path. Along with the twists, I discovered…

Without the experience, we cannot create;
To experience fully, we need to be explorative;
Along the exploration, there is a risk of getting lost;
When we are lost is when we develop the
ability to explore and find the way filled with
enriching experiences.
Connecting these enriching experiences
leads the way to creation.
Shot: May 2018
Captioned: Nov 25, 2018


Each heart carries a story and every expression an experience from a journey.

  • Running half/ full marathons and cross-fit training reflected the push and intensity of challenge that I aspired for;
  • Photography reflected the focus in pursuits that I was seeking;
  • Photo Captions brought out through symbolic insights, hidden messages from within;
  • People profiling through featured weekly runner stories and later portrait photography reflected my empathic fabric. Capturing the essence of people indicated my passion for finding through lines;
  • Travel, road-trips, horse riding and such explorative pursuits fulfilled my need for continuous learning, exploration and the fun side.

When picked from the confusing lot, the
intense focus I like to bring on – while not
missing the gentle breeze and the serene
Shot: Aug 2018
Captioned: Mar 6, 2019

What I was searching for was a space that would allow for an expression of my true nature in full measure.
The exploratory phase of divergence got me into…

Meaning and Purpose seemed like big words until I started asking myself each time – Why am I doing this? What is this for?
Exploration to expressions to intersections. All the activities snugly aligned and intersected into 4 meaningful pillars: Purpose through Profession & Ventures, Transcendence through creative, spiritual and well-being pursuits, Belonging through meaningful relationships and now…story telling.

As carefree as it sounds, I realise
that living our life and dreams is often
challenging and singular, but the most
authentic and liberating!
Shot: May 2017
Captioned: Jun 12, 2017

My North Star
At this first milestone of awareness, I stand with an exploratory map carrying a design thinker tool kit wondering…

Life has turned around and given me many things. What is the one thing I would give my life for?